Coast to Coast Sportive

Velo29 Events

Coast to Coast Sportive

14 June 2025



Distance: 241.9km
Elevation: 3,918m
Ride Time: –
Feeds: 5
Price: £100
Start: 05:00
Registration: Collect from the Event HQ on Friday evening or Saturday morning


Coach Booking

Book a place on the official coach back from Whitby to Seascale. Choose a depart time of 19:00 Saturday (£30) or 09:00 Sunday (£35). Journey time is roughly 3 hours. Your bikes will be transported by Velo29 (included in the price).

Camping Booking

Book camping for Friday/Saturday (arrival from 16:00) for £20 per tent/camper.

New for 2025, The Velo29 Coast 2 Coast Sportive!

Limited to 500 riders, this new Event will sell out.

Velo29 have wanted to put on a C2C for many years but fitting it into our busy calendar prevented us from doing so, we’ve now managed to create a gap so join us in June 2025 for another awesome event!

The C2C is an iconic challenge, there are several flavours of this challenge but for Velo29’s version, it’s an early start in The West, following mostly the established route heading East with our brilliant route signage, 5 feed stations along the way (well stocked as always!) and get to Whitby in the East by 22:00 latest.

Camping/ Campervan accommodation has become an increasing thing at our events, so we offer this at the start and finish. We’ll offer some transport options to get back to the Start line too, more details on camping and transport are coming soon.

The route is a varied one, with The Cumbrian Climbs of Hardknot and Wrynose with their 33% slopes and sharp turns (up and down!) some tough climbing in The Yorkshire Dales but then flatter roads around The Vale of York but then a tough finish in the Yorkshire Moors as we head towards Whitby.

Roads that we know better than most, even the Cumbria section where we’ve not run a Sportive in the past but have spent a huge amount of time there!

Those of you who ride with Velo29 will know we do things simple, effective, reliable and FUN! This will very much be the theme for the C2C.

We are sensitive to those who lost out to Sportive HQ going into Administration in June 2024. Any rider who lost out to Sportive HQ will be guaranteed a ride in the limited to 500 rider start list as well as a 25% discount from our 2025 entry. We need you to please forward your Sportive HQ booking form to and we will forward a discount code. N.B. this must be done by 1st September 2024.

The Monday before the sportive at 6pm, you will receive a ‘Get Ready’ email with all the information and links you need to complete the Pre-Event Questionnaire and Book a Time Slot.

Booking opens from 10am Tuesday until 18:00 Thursday. This is ESSENTIAL to ride.

Please collect rider packs from the HQ on your way to the start line.

No entries on the day.

Entries close on Sunday night 1 week before the event.

For any questions relating to Pre-Event Questionnaire or Time Slot Booking email

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Get your rider times, free certificates and event images here.

Cyclists Fighting Cancer join Velo29 as the Official Charity Partner of the C2C ride!

Velo29 are delighted to work with Cycling Fighting Cancer. This is a charity we really believe in and are excited to be able to support. At least 30 riders from the charity will be riding the event for a personal challenge and to fundraise for this important charity.

You can find out more and get involved HERE.

Cyclists Fighting Cancer (CFC) is a national children’s charity supporting children living with and beyond cancer throughout the UK.

They do this by providing them with new lightweight bikes, specially adapted trikes, tandems, tag-a-longs, exercise bikes, cycling-related equipment and support, in order to help these children to get cycling during treatment and into rehabilitation, whatever their needs. They have never failed to get a child pedalling yet!

Exercise and activity have been proven to be the single most effective way of improving physical and mental wellness for people surviving cancer and what better way for children than cycling; it is low impact, outdoor, sociable and fun!

CFC supports approximately 700 families every year and with your help they will be able to ensure that more children get pedalling on their road to recovery.


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A Beginner’s Guide to Sportive Riding

What to Expect in a Velo29 Sportive