All your 2025 challenges in one discounted package!
Give yourself the ultimate goal in these 3 iconic events!
Enter all 3 events for only £160 (a saving of £25) if entered before 11th May 2025.
3 of the biggest and most challenging events in any Sportive Calendar! Each represented with an awesome 3 part medal which clips together only when you cross the line in The Beast!
First up is The Tour of The Peak in May, one of the oldest and the toughest events there is. The combo of miles and vert makes The Peak an exceptional event. People are shocked at how hard it is!
Next up we have Lincoln 262, very different. Long, Flat, Fast. 262km from York to Lincoln and back. Flat rides are not easy, they represent a very different challenge. The wind is a huge factor at Lincoln 262.
3rd and finally we have The Beast! 204miles, 18,000ft of vert. THERE IS NO TOUGHER EVENT! The Beast chases you around Yorkshire at 12.5 mph. Doesn’t sound fast but believe us, it is! Do no under estimate The Beast, he’s coming to get you!
The 2025 Iconic Challenge will now give you 772.4km and 9,421m of vert across the 3 Sportives!
Many riders send us pics of their Iconic Medals clipped together, it’s a great looking memory of some serious riding!
We are offering a limited number of places in the iconic event series, this gets you guaranteed entry into all 3 sell-out events and an opportunity to complete this massive challenge. Only finishers of all 3 events will receive the medal!
Enter all 3 events for only £160 ( a saving of £25) if entered before 11th May 2025.
(Standard price Peak Long – £42.50 , Lincoln 262 – £57.50, Beast – £85 = £185)
If you have already entered 1 or 2 of the Iconic events and would like to upgrade to the series please email events@velo29.com and we’ll be delighted to help you switch
The Monday before the sportive at 6pm, you will receive a ‘Get Ready’ email with all the information and links you need to complete the Pre-Event Questionnaire and Book a Time Slot.
Booking opens from 10am Tuesday until 18:00 Thursday. This is ESSENTIAL to ride.
No entries on the day.
Entries close on Sunday night 1 week before the event.
For any questions relating to Pre-Event Questionnaire or Time Slot Booking email depart@velo29.com
Three Part Medal